Thursday, March 12, 2009

What are the types of vandalisms?

The types of vandalisms are:
Definition: to acquire money or property, for example, breaking into drink machines

This causes people not to be able to buy stuff in the machines

Definition: to damage is a conscious tactic, a means to achieve some other end, such as breaking a window to be arrested and get a bed in prison

This causes other peoples property loss for the vandalisers own benefits


Definition:similiar to tactical vandalism, but carried out further an explicit ideological cause or to deliver a message, for example, chalking slogans on walls, graffiti, tagging, etc.

This not only insults the person, the people will also look out for him and the person will lose his reputation.


Definition:damage in order to obtain revenge, for example, breaking school windows to settle a grudge against a teacher

This will affect the other pupil's learning in the school

Definition: damage in the context of a game; who can break the most windows in a house

This will affect the people's properties


Definition:an expression of rage or frustration and is often directed at symbolic middle class property. It is a type that has the vicious and apparently senseless facade which people find so difficult to understand.

This makes the people worried about their properties

1 comment:

  1. not all ideological vandalism is mean spirited , vandalism can spread joy
